Logical Actions – Illogical Results: Top Tips For A Better Result
It is very likely that most of us have been there at some time – Something is just not right. The Logical Actions are producing Illogical Results
We have checked – double checked and triple checked – but the results are exactly the same – and not what they should be.
It can be annoying – frustrating – dangerous and much more.
We have followed the Logical process BUT the results are Illogical
What do we do now ?????
Logical Action which produce Illogical Results are not black magic and surely they can always be explained.
There will be a reason why – However getting to that explanation is obviously not so simple and straightforward.
It may be that a decimal point is in the wrong place and regardless of how many times we check the calculation – out brain does not pick it up. Or it could be something similar.
I often think about the Mars Climate Orbiter project back in 1999. The Root Cause of the disaster was a mix up between imperial and metric units. We look at it now and say “how on Earth (or Mars) could that have happened” – but it did.
Engineering should be simple. A button is pressed – A lever is pulled, an electrical charge applied, a chemical reaction started, structural members erected. There is a known, direct result from a positive action. No magic – All logical and explainable with basic and simple (or maybe not so simple) mathematics.
So why does it become so difficult?

Albert Einstein
Albert Einstein is credited with this gem –
“Scientists investigate that which already is;
Engineers create that which has never been.”
And in that creation process there could be an awful lot of variables which need to be accounted for.

Logical Actions – Illogical Results – Why??? The Thinker by Auguste Rodin
We are well aware of the old saying – Doing the same things in exactly the same way and expecting a different result is the definition of insanity. And insanity is not what you need – but a rational, logical, reasonable approach – to solve the problems.
This web page is not attempting to teach heavy instruction – The aim is to follow the 3R Philosophy
Review – Refresh – Reset
and always follow the KISS Principle
- Take a step back from the “Coal Face” and try to take a Birds Eye overview.
Take “Time Out” - There are many problem solving techniques which can be used – and everyone has a favourite. For example – it may be – Six Sigma – Waterfall – 5 Why – Deep Dive etc
- Can the issue/problem be taken back to “the team” for reassessment or review
- Will a completely unconnected colleague see something which is being missed or look at things from a completely different perspective and see an answer
Remember – If it was easy – anyone could do it and they would not need you
Not Only – But Also …..

When there is a need to take a deep breath and take a break
- Looking for “A Better Way” – Go to – Engineering the 3R Way for an overview of the 3R Philosophy Review – Refresh – Reset and link to the full list of topics
- Then Take A Break – With the List Of Pages – Engineering Nostalgia for pages of Old Engineer Memories from Engineering practice in the 1960’s/70’s/80’s – with a bit of armed forces and medieval trivia thrown in
- Or check out Engineering Odd Bits for odd subject matter – including humor and comment
- Challenge yourself and your colleagues with an Engineering Quiz

Engineer & Communicate – Engineering Trivia Quiz – Engineering Nostalgia – Engineering Odd Bits