Dig deep when using the 5 Why Analysis in order to find the Root Cause of the issue

Apply the 5 Why Analysis to dig deep and find the Root Cause of the issue

The 5 Why Analysis can be a very simple and effective tool to identify the Root Cause of an Engineering, IT or Manufacturing issue. In many cases a “quick fix” or a temporary band aid solution can be used, but that may not address the Root Cause of the issue, which will keep coming back, until permanently rectified.

The Root Cause needs to be identified. However, identifying the Root Cause may not be simple and in many cases the Root Cause may not be immediately obvious. The 5 Why Analysis is a very powerful and valuable tool which can be used to identify the basic Root Cause of a problem or issue.

In simple terms – the methodology involves asking and answering basic, cascading questions.
The answer for each question forms the basis of the next question.


FOR EXAMPLE:- Apply the 5 Why Analysis to this issue:-

The Problem – “I have not completed my work”

  • Question – Why have you not completed your work – Answer – because my computer will not turn on
  • Question – Why will your computer not turn on – Answer – because the battery is flat
  • Question – Why is the battery flat – Answer – because I did not put the computer on charge
  • Question – Why did you not put it on charge – Answer – because I forgot
  • Question – Why did you forget – Answer – because I was tired and went to bed without thinking about it
5 Why Analysis - Root Cause - Too Tired

5 Why Analysis – Root Cause – Too Tired


The root cause was that – I was tired and went to bed without thinking about it

And note that at each stage – there also may be opportunity for ancillary direction.
e.g. Could you have used a cable to power the computer?  And this could lead to a whole new series of questions. Depending on how deep you want to go.

Obviously this is a very simple overview of the process


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