Nov 9, 2022 | ENGINEER & COMMUNICATE, Uncategorized
The Devil’s Advocate In Engineering: Tips For Better Results
The Devils Advocate needs to ask the difficult questions in an unbiased and balanced way in order to find any hidden problems
Regardless of it being a very complex project, a fairly simple/basic job or simply routine management tasks, one of the key elements to success is to apply The Devil’s Advocate In Engineering methodology.
Obviously the complexity of the project or task dictates the level of detail. However the basic principles and fundamentals are always the same.
In simple terms, The Devil’s Advocate is a skilled person or group of people, who can take a critical but balanced approach to the subject in question.
For example, this could be a Management Decision, Engineering Project or Engineering Design. The Devil’s Advocate needs to dissect each aspect, ask probing questions and ensure that the proposal is sound and stands up to scrutiny – with no defects or flaws.
Typically – experienced Managers and Engineers will be their own version of The Devil’s Advocate for routine tasks. However for larger and more involved projects, it becomes very valuable to use an independent entity who has no personal input to the project in question. But have the knowledge
The Devil’s Advocate In Engineering needs to peel back the Layers – Get under the skin and ask the difficult questions without getting tears in the eye
and skill to peel back the layers, in order to understand the proposal. And then to ask the relevant questions in a calm and measured fashion.
For large projects, companies may also have standardized, detailed methodology, for example the HAZOP process.
Not Only – But Also……
When there is a need to take a deep breath and take a break
- Open List Of Topics – Engineering Nostalgia for pages of Old Engineer Memories from Engineering practice in the 1960’s/70’s/80’s – with a bit of armed forces and medieval trivia thrown in
- Regardless of your current status – always ask the question – Is there a Better Way and
visit the 3R web page for an overview of the 3R Philosophy Review – Refresh – Reset
- Whenever possible – always follow the KISS Principle
- Challenge yourself and your colleagues with an Engineering Quiz
- Check out Engineering Odd Bits for odd subject matter – including humor and comment
Engineer & Communicate – Engineering Trivia Quiz – Engineering Nostalgia – Engineering Odd Bits
Apr 5, 2022 | Uncategorized
15 Sneaky Secrets to Becoming a Successful Engineer
Way back in the dim distant past there was a TV comedy series called Seinfeld. It was a classic and the following article – 15 Sneaky Secrets to Becoming a Successful Engineer – is a straight “steal” from one of the characters – George Costanza
George Costanza of Seinfeld fame had his “Rules for the Office”.
But if George had been an Engineer, he might have had a slightly different set of rules…
If George had been an Engineer, he might have said …
1. Never walk anywhere empty handed
Clipboards Are Gold
Never walk without a tool, toolbox, clipboard in your hand and make sure that you have a Tape Measure, Utility Tool Set in a pouch and big bunch of noisy keys on your belt . Sometimes its good to mix it up a bit with a hard hat, gloves and safety glasses. This makes it looks like you are doing real work. People with nothing in their hands look like they’re heading for the canteen. People with a newspaper in their hands look like they’re heading for the toilet (Tip – if you do want to take the newspaper to the toilet, wrap it in a drawing). All of this may be a bit cumbersome but that’s the sacrifice you are prepared to make. Above all, make sure that you carry loads of stuff home with you at night, thus giving the false impression that you are extremely dedicated and will be working later in the evening on that deadline.
2. Use computers to look busy
This is a gift from above and is the first part of keeping on top of your personal and social life (the cell phone is the second part) Always have an open CAD drawing and be ready to flip over to it if you are about to be caught out. A CAD drawing on the screen saver is another good idea.
Any time you use a computer, it looks like “work” to the casual observer. You can send and receive personal email, calculate your finances and generally have a blast without doing anything remotely related to work. These aren’t exactly the societal benefits that the proponents of the computer revolution would like to talk about but they’re not bad either.
When you get caught by your boss – and you “will” get caught – your best defense is to claim you’re teaching yourself to use new software, thus saving valuable training dollars or you are researching new engineering components.
3. Messy desk
Always Keep A Messy Desk to show that you are always doing lots of work
Top management can get away with a clean desk. For the rest of us, it looks like you’re not working hard enough. Build huge piles of drawings and documents around your workspace. Stick drawings on the walls, stick up Gantt charts.
To the observer, last year’s project looks the same as today’s work; its volume that counts. Pile them high and wide. If you know somebody is coming to your cubicle, bury the document you’ll need halfway down in an existing stack and rummage for it when he/she arrives.
Failed machine parts are good because there is always a need to measure, ponder and redesign. When the boss catches you snoozing in your chair, arms folded and dreaming of beer and pizza, you’re response is that you had closed your eyes to envisage the solution to this problem. And if the boss asks what the solution is, you answer … “almost had it, but not quite there yet, a lot of OH&S issues to resolve first”.
Also, small bright shiny machined components (that were usually ordered by mistake) are good for distraction and conversation. If anyone asks, they are for new projects which you are working on (Stainless is good and anything which slides, rotates or just moves is good) , but remember that these projects are very confidential so you can’t discuss them. This is a good ploy to raise your level of importance in the company.
4. Voice Mail and The Cell Phone
Never answer your phone if you have voice mail. People don’t call you just because they want to give you something for nothing – they call because they want YOU to do work for THEM. That’s no way to live.
So much to do – So many calls are coming in
Screen all your calls through voice mail. If somebody leaves a voice mail message for you and it sounds like impending work, respond during lunch hour when you know they’re not there – it looks like you’re hardworking and conscientious even though you’re being a devious weasel. If you diligently employ the method of screening incoming calls and then returning calls when nobody is there, this will greatly increase the odds that the caller will give up or look for a solution that doesn’t involve you.
The sweetest voice mail message you can ever hear is “Ignore my last message. I took care of it”. If your voice mailbox has a limit on the number of messages it can hold, make sure you reach that limit frequently. One way to do that is to never erase any incoming messages. If that takes to long, send yourself a few messages. Your callers will hear a recorded message that says, “Sorry, this mailbox is full” – a sure sign that you are a hardworking employee in high demand. Caress, stroke and worship the cell.
It is always at your ear and you are unable to communicate with anyone else. Which is good because you are talking to anyone and everyone about anything but work. Therefore you are much too busy to get involved in any work related issues. That’s what the voicemail is for.
5. Look impatient and annoyed
If you think that new work might be coming your way, develop the furrowed brow frown, try to look impatient and annoyed to give your bosses the impression that you are always busy. The look is “Don’t bother me now, can’t you see that I’m under great stress and ready to explode”
6. Leaving the Office late
Always leave the office late, especially when the boss is still around. You could read magazines and storybooks that you always wanted to read but have no time until late before leaving. Make sure you walk past the boss’ room on your way out. Send important emails at unearthly hours (e.g. 9:35 pm, 7:05 am, etc…) and during public holidays.
If your boss is still around, this is a good time to look really busy by rearranging the mess on your desk. Remember that you always need to put everything back in exactly the same place, but it makes you look extremely keen, motivated and industrious.
If you are in a manufacturing environment, it’s always a good time to go visit the afternoon shift to have a coffee and chat. It shows that you are caring, motivated, interested and dedicated, nod sympathetically as they tell you all of their problems. Under no circumstances should you ever volunteer to try and fix them.
7. Creative Sighing for Effect
Sigh loudly when there are many people around, giving the impression that you are very hard pressed. Swear frequently under your breath, mutter “so much to do, so much to do” repeatedly as you walk, head slightly bowed and slowly shaking it from side to side.
8. Stacking Strategy
Pile ’em High – The more the better
It is not enough to pile lots of documents on the table. Have lots of technical books everywhere. You can always borrow from the library but the chances are that your colleagues will have plenty of old technical books from their university days, which have never been opened since graduation. Thick engineering reference manuals are the best.
9. Build Vocabulary
Read up on Engineering magazines, pick out all the latest buzz words, jargon and new products. Use it freely when in conversation with bosses.
Remember: They don’t have to understand what you say, but it sounds impressive.
10. Have 2 Jackets
Always keep Hi-Viz vests, a Hard Hat and Safety Glasses in open view on your desk or work area.
If you work in a big open plan office, always leave a spare jacket and half drunk coffee cup in open view. This gives the impression that you are still on site. The second jacket is obviously worn on an “as needs” basis.
These are the 10 points George highlighted with some Engineering massage.
But being Engineers, we know that there is always more…
11. The White Board
Confusing Busy Whiteboard
Have a big white board adjacent to your desk or work area, always have lots of diagrams and buzzwords with a “To Do’ list prominently displayed. Remember that colour is good
12. Keep a lot of Work on Hand
Always have an extensive list of low priority jobs which you are working on. It’s very important to not actually do any work on them.
But when someone tries to give you real work, you can reel off this long list and so demonstrate that you can not fit anything else into your overloaded schedule.
13. Meetings
Meetings need to be avoided like the plague, It can be very hard to avoid being assigned work when you’re in a meeting. When invited to a meeting, your first your response should be “Sorry, I would like to be there but I’m too busy, send me an email with the minutes”.
If disaster happens and you are not able to avoid a meeting, always arrive late with the cell at your ear and sign off with a loud “leave it to me, I’ll fix it”. That always gives you an air of authority and lets the others in the meeting know that you are an action person.
If you are not able to melt into the background at the meeting and are dragged into contributing, always start with “well….somebody needs to…..” and make it clear that it will not be you. When total boredom finally kicks in, put the cell to your ear and walk out, so as to take the “non existent” call “out of the meeting”.
When you’re out of the meeting, keep walking.
14. Be Obsessive
Use the clipboard, make lists….of anything, the more obscure the better. Talk in acronyms. Your day is governed by check lists …arrive at the office – tick, turn on computer – tick. Measure objects randomly, lots of objects, use the tape measure on your belt, mutter incomprehensibly. Be obsessed with irrelevant detail e.g. the current time is not “about 10 in the morning” ….its 9.58 am. Punch random numbers into your calculator and gaze at it knowingly whilst slowly nodding approval at the answer its giving you. All of this behavior gives the impression that you are technically astute, switched on, wise and in control. Obviously an indispensable asset to the organization.
Don’t email this to your boss – the chances are that your boss has followed this strategy and that’s why they are THE BOSS !!!!!
When there is a need to take a deep breath and take a break
- Open List Of Pages – Engineering Nostalgia for pages of Old Engineer Memories from Engineering practice in the 1960’s/70’s/80’s – with a bit of armed forces and medieval trivia thrown in
- Regardless of your current status – always ask the question – Is there a Better Way and
visit the 3R web page for an overview of the 3R Philosophy Review – Refresh – Reset
- Whenever possible – always follow the KISS Principle
- Challenge yourself and your colleagues with an Engineering Quiz
- Check out Engineering Odd Bits for more odd subject matter – including humor and comment
Engineer & Communicate – Engineering Trivia Quiz – Engineering Nostalgia – Engineering Odd Bits
Feb 14, 2022 | ENGINEER & COMMUNICATE, Uncategorized
Maybe you are looking for a new “angle” or just want to reinforce your existing thought train – This list of Helpful Sayings will get you on the right track to find A Better Way
Helpful Sayings: Top Tips To Get Better Results
The following is a list of Helpful Sayings which can be used to create a positive mind set in order to focus on and drive success for “A Better Way”.
Helpful Sayings can form the basis of essential management technique, decision making and well being. They can reinforce or trigger thought trains or fire up your motivation.
Over the years, important Helpful Sayings can slip from memory or there may be very apt sayings which you have not encountered. – Therefore, it is important to regularly review the lists of Helpful Sayings.
Some will assist in determining a critical decision, some will fire up your motivation level, some will be amusing, some will help you to manage psychological challenges and some will reinforce your existing thought train.
So whether its “The Buck Stops Here” or you need to avoid “Paralysis By Analysis” or need that extra reason to “JFDI” you will surely find that Helpful Saying in these lists.
Consideration was originally given to separate categories of Sayings – such as Engineering Design, Personal Well Being, Business Management etc – but the Sayings cut across all of the categories – so that would not work.
Therefore, and maybe not ideal, it was decided to randomly list them in groups
As with may aspects of life – Some may seem contradictory and it becomes a value judgement decision regarding which one takes precedence. Some are explored in more detail in the Engineer & Communicate Topics section of this site.
An Example of helpful sayings might be….
As we all know from our own experiences – Even tho’ all of the correct process and procedure have been followed – There are times when something can come out of “Left Field” to disrupt the “Best Laid Plans Of Mice And Me” – And we all know that sometimes – “Sediment Just Happens” – And when that Sediment does “Hit The Fan” – there is a need to have a very good “CYA” plan in place
List of Helpful Sayings ……
In no particular order
List 1 Of Helpful Sayings
- Think 3R Review – Refresh – Reset
- Do It Once – Do It Right Why is it that there are many instances when we do not allow enough time to get a job done right, the first time – But we can always make time to come back and fix the foul up
- Nil Illigitamus Carburundum Desperandum – When the pressure is on – remember this old Latin saying – Which roughly translates to – Don’t Let The Bastards Grind You Down
- Don’t Die in a Ditch over non critical issues which you can not win. Bite your tongue, walk away and save yourself the time, effort and mental anguish. Pick the fights you can win and let the others go
- JFDI – Sometimes there comes a time to cut the procrastination and “Just Flipping Do It”
- Paralyses by Analyses – Sometimes there is just Toooooo…. much information and a job or project suffers from – Paralyses by Analyses – Then it becomes time to JFDI
- Never say Never – if a decision is wrong – it’s WRONG – don’t get sucked into the argument that… “well we have done 95% of the work so its too late to change now – lets just run with it” – As painful as it may be – the bottom line is – It’s never too late to change – if something is wrong – it’s WRONG.
- Don’t change horses mid stream – This may seem at odds with “Never Say Never” – BUT unless something is patently wrong – don’t change it mid way through on a whim or stray thought.
- Do not use the word Compromise – there is always likely to be “give and take” – but using the word compromise sends a bad signal – use the word “Balance” or a similar word or expression.
- Always Have A Plan – Any Plan – “It is better to have a bad plan than no plan” is attributed to chess player Garry Kasparov
List 2 Of Helpful Sayings
- Pick The Low Hanging Fruit – The job/work might be low priority – but it is easy to do – This can have advantage when there is a need to demonstrate “progress” with a stalled or slow moving job. Or it could be “in your face” all the time and distracting you or others from the more important jobs. It’s easy – so knock it over and it’s gone – so that you can move on.
- The Definition of Insanity – Doing the same things over and over again in exactly the same way and expecting a different result – this definition is usually attributed to Albert Einstein
- The Definition of Stupidity – Knowing the truth, seeing the truth, but still believing the lies.
- How to Eat an Elephant – When the job just seems to be too big and overwhelming – take “One bite at a time”
- Tunnel Vision – Can work for you or against you – If you need to finish a job and block out all distractions it is good – If you block out all ancillary vision of things which could help you – then it can be bad
- Too Many Balls In The Air At The Same Time– can mean that you are unable to give the correct focus to any of them – If you feel that may be the case – Prioritize and Park the non critical ones
- Murphy’s Law or a similar name – If there is any possibility that something could go wrong – It almost definitely will go wrong
- Coming out of Left Field – In an ideal world – Everything will go to plan – But we do not live in an ideal world and the likelihood is that something unplanned for will happen i.e come out of left field
- It Doesn’t Matter How Good We Are – ( or think that we are) We Can Always Get Better – Don’t rest on your laurels – keep pushing ahead to get better
- Think KISS – Keep It Simple Stupid
List 3 Of Helpful Sayings
- When You Are In A Hole And You Realize That You Are In A Hole – Stop Digging
- It doesn’t matter how bad things are – They can always get worse !!!
- Always think Positive – don’t be your own worst enemy and talk yourself into defeat – erase any negative thoughts
- Back To The Drawing Board -” Back To The CAD System” doesn’t have quite the same ring to it
- Knowledge is Power – Francis Bacon – Meditationes Sacrae (1597)
- Do not fear the Unknown – Find a way to make it Known
- The Peter Principle – whereby people within an organization will rise to their level of incompetence
- Parkinson’s Law – whereby work will expand to fill the allotted time
- The Devil is in the Detail – Fairly self explanatory
- If a particular job was deemed to be “Easy” – Anyone could do it and they wouldn’t need you
List 4 Of Helpful Sayings
- Remind people that you do not have a Magic Wand or Fairy Dust in order to fix a difficult issue
- Don’t Get Stressed Over What You Can Not Change – Fairly self explanatory
- If it’s Not Documented – It Never Happened – Fairly self explanatory – there are times when it is vital to keep documented records of events and activities
- The Only Person Who Never Made A Mistake Is The Person Who Never Did Anything – Fairly self explanatory – Obviously it is important to learn from your mistakes and not to repeat them
- Learn from your Mistakes – and do not repeat them
- Rome Wasn’t Built In A Day – I should know – I was on that job!!
- Brute Force And Ignorance – Sometimes, when all else has failed and you have just run out of ideas – the only option is Brute Force And Ignorance – surprisingly – it often works
- Eureka – “I have got it” or similar expression
- When The Going Gets Tough – The Tough Get Going – Fairly self explanatory
- Grasping At Straws – When you are so desperate that you will grasp at anything which might offer a solution – regardless of whether it is of any use or not
List 5 Of Helpful Sayings
- It’s 6 Of One And Half A Dozen Of The Other – In other words – don’t get caught up trying to distinguish between two very similar scenarios
- The Grass Is Always Greener On The Other Side Of The Hill – Whilst ambition is good and desirable, there can be a false mindset that what lies ahead and out of sight is always going to be better than what we already have
- Always CYA – Have a plan to Cover Your Anatomy – if something goes wrong
- Don’t Be Afraid To Get Your Hands Dirty – Fairly self explanatory – get involved at the coal face so that you understand any issues which may arise
- Avoid “Tilting at Windmills” – fighting imaginary enemies
- Genius is 1% Inspiration and 99% Perspiration – according to Thomas Edison
- Remember the Pareto 80/20 Principle when decision making
- Water Under The Bridge – Learn from your mistakes but do not dwell on them unnecessarily – they are gone, history, just like water which has flowed under a bridge – it’s not coming back
- The Only Person Who Has Never Made A Mistake – is The Person Who Has Never Done Anything
- We Are Only Human – And we all make mistakes – Don’t beat yourself up – Learn and move on – Remember that the only person who never made a mistake is the person who never did anything
List 6 Of Helpful Sayings
- At The End Of The Day – or a similar expression – When many issues are being brought up and clouding or confusing the judgement process – it is very likely that with clear thought – they can be distilled down to a single or relatively small number. An example may be something along the lines of – All of the issues have been considered – But At The End Of The Day – it all comes down to ……… “insert comment here”
- Crystallize – Same as “At The End Of The Day”
- Boiling It All Down – Same as “At The End Of The Day”
- Do Not Sweep It Under The Carpet – If something needs to be done – Do It or plan to Do It – Don’t put it to one side and forget about it – It will surely come back and bite you
- A Square Peg In A Round Hole – typically applies to the wrong person in the wrong job – for any number of reasons – Although this saying could also apply to other aspects, such as design, detail methodology, process etc – It may not only apply to a person – but the wrong entity
- Opportunity For improvement – Consider the option of NOT using the word “Problem” with its negative connotations – But instead turn a negative into a positive by using the phrase – “Opportunity For Improvement” ….. So that “Houston we have a problem” – would become “Houston we have an opportunity for improvement” !!!!
- Think Outside Of The Square – For fairly routine activities – it probably doesn’t make a lot of sense to try and Reinvent The Wheel – However for more challenging issues with no obvious solution, solutions which have been tried and failed or solutions which obviously need improvement – there may be a very good argument for Thinking Outside Of The Square – and there are many methodologies which can be applied
- Don’t Reinvent The Wheel – If it works fine and does not need reinventing
- If it ain’t broke – Don’t fix it
- If the mountain won’t come to Muhammed – Muhammed must go to the mountain – In simple terms: In an Ideal World – You may want events to happen a certain way – However in the Real World there may be very sound reasons why those events will not happen – For example the mountain will never move – In which case there is a need to “swallow your pride” and do what needs to be done to get a result.
List 7 Of Helpful Sayings
- Time and Tide wait for none – Recognize that there are some entities which can not be manipulated – Ultimately there is a need to work with them on their terms
- If You Cannot Stand The Heat – Get Out Of The Kitchen – If the pressure or a similar function is too great to manage – Don’t keep putting yourself under unnecessary stress – which can only have a negative effect on your well being – Walk away from it
- Such is life – c’est la vie
- Throw In The Towel – When you know that you are on a loser and can not win the battle – Save yourself from taking any more of a beating and accept a dignified loss – You can recover and try again when you are fully refreshed
- Pedal To The Metal – Accelerator to the floor – When there is a need to go hard and fast
- Dogs Breakfast – A big mess or a similar expression might be more apt
- Shot In The Dark – or a Stab In The Dark – Random guess based on no knowledge at all
- One Door Closes – Another Opens – Opportunities can be lost (for various reasons) – But stay positive – There are always new opportunities coming along
- One Mans Meat Is Another Mans Poison – We are all different – What suits one person might not suit the next person
- Grasp The Nettle – A nettle is an English stinging plant – When there is a need to “Just get on with it” – Grasp the Nettle – Accept the pain of the sting and just do it
List 8 Of Helpful Sayings
- Do Not Try To Run With The Hare and Hunt With The Hounds – Be clear and positive on issues – Don’t flip flop between differing sides – depending on what you think other people want to hear you say or to curry favor
- Dig Deep – When the going gets tough – There are times when you Need To Dig Deep and draw on courage, stamina and all of your Intestinal Fortitude (or Testicular Fortitude)
- Do Not Put Lipstick On A Pig – Putting a veneer over a poor quality entity does not change the fact that it is – Poor Quality
- Do Not Try And Make A Silk Purse Out Of A Sows Ear – Poor quality is just that – Poor Quality – It can not be manipulated to pass as a higher quality item or entity
- Ships That Pass In the Night – Ships can pass each other on a dark night without knowing that each is in close proximity to the other – In a similar manner – people may be close or similar in many areas but not actually make contact or be aware of each other due to many and various circumstances
- Snouts In The Trough – Typically – Taking monetary advantage of a situation at the expense of others – for example politicians may be paid extra money for committees and they may deliberately extend those committees in order to be paid extra
- Herding Cats – Sometimes organizing something can be difficult and likened to Herding Cats
- Follow Like Sheep – To mindlessly follow without thought or commitment
- Could Not Organize A Booze Up In A Brewery – Not having very good organizational skills
- Have A Chat With Mr Daniels Or Mr Beam – Sometimes, when The Going Gets Tough – There can be a need to take a few steps back and to maybe think Outside the Square – typically a “conversation” with Jack Daniels or Jim Beam can help
List 9 Of Helpful Sayings
- Jump Before Being Pushed – Know When To Jump Before Being Pushed – Learn to read the “vibe” – Sometimes things do not go to plan and very likely my never go to plan and it may be that there are changes afoot to remove you from your current position – If this is the case – It is advantageous to apply for another position whilst still employed – Rather than be applying for a new position after being “let go” – Positive references could be hard to get
- Done and Dusted – Finished and signed off
- Cross That Bridge When We Get To It – Sometimes it is just impossible to get enough data on an issue in order to make a sound decision – However – Going forwards – A much clearer picture will emerge and decisions can then be made, relative to the new available data. There are times when it is necessary to not waste time on speculation – But to move on and make decisions when more data is available
- Hitting A Brick Wall – There are times when it is impossible to follow a particular path – There are just too many obstacles – You have hit a barrier which is impassable. There is then a need for a rethink and to look for alternative pathway or a way to dismantle that wall
- Plenty More Fish In The Sea – When something doesn’t work out or go to plan – There are always lots more opportunities to explore
- Urinating Into The Wind – There are times when you just seem to be Urinating Into The Wind – Hopefully this saying doesn’t need an explanation
- Storm Clouds Are Gathering – You can see the problems starting to form – Start the contingency plans early and Batten Down The Hatches
- Batten Down The Hatches – The Storm Clouds Are Gathering – The problems are coming – It’s time to put those contingency plans in place
- Drop In The Ocean – Something may be a very minor part of a much larger entity and not worth spending a significant amount of time or energy on – In relative terms – It is only a Drop In The Ocean – So lets move on to more important issues
- Always Keep a “Work- Life” balance – fairly self explanatory
List 10 Of Helpful Sayings
List 11 Of Helpful Sayings
List 12 Of Helpful Sayings
- A Stitch In Time Saves Nine – If there is a problem or issue – fix it before it evolves into much bigger problems
- Pushing Sediment Uphill – You are repeating the same actions – But they are just not working – You may describe a frustrating, repeat activity as – Pushing Sediment Uphill – Because it keeps coming back to you
- Would Not Touch It With A Ten Foot Barge Pole – When you think that something is dodgy or dicey or spurious or similar and you have decided to stay well away from it – You may declare that you do not want to go anywhere near it and Would Not Touch It With A Ten Foot Barge Pole
- It’s A Crock ….. Of Sediment – It’s absolute garbage
- Turn A Blind Eye – Pretending not to see or be aware of something which would go against what you really want to do and have made up your mind to do. Horatio Nelson is often referenced in relationship to this saying
- Caught Between A Rock And A Hard Place – pretty self explanatory – it may be that you have a decision to make and there are two choices – both of which are not very good. Therefore you are Caught between A Rock And A Hard Place
- Hold Your Horses – and have another long hard look at the situation When there is an urge – either by yourself or you are being pushed by others – to make a quick decision – then it might be wise to hold off and review that decision. This probably stems from the old days when someone is holding horses – the horses can easily get stirred up and just want to run – generally anywhere, in order to release their pent up energy
- Kick The Can Down The Road – Whilst it is a good idea to make a firm decision and act on that decision – there are times when all of the relevant information may not be available and it is not possible to accurately make a firm decision. If the circumstances/conditions are not going to change and there is no negative impact – then it may be wise to “hold off” making a decision until all of the relevant data is available. i.e Kick The Can Down The Road
- Turn The Other Cheek – Although an insult or similar comment may hurt and there can be an urge to immediately react – that may not be the wisest course of action in the long term. It may be that a comment is “taken out of context” or delivered by someone under stress and is completely out of character for them– then it is wise to take a step back and try forgive or understand the circumstance. Without jumping to incorrect conclusions
- Storm Clouds Gathering – or trouble is brewing – the ancillary signs are showing that there will soon be a big problem
List 13 Of Helpful Sayings
- We All Have Our Cross To Bear – In simple terms – We all may have inherent issues or characteristics which can not be changed. Sometimes they can be minor – sometimes more serious – sometimes humorous. e.g. “I am on the small side and my feet do not touch the floor when I sit on a chair – that’s just the cross I have to bear”
- Can Not See The Wood For The Trees – When there are many very similar issues BUT you are confused and unable to see the obvious
- Snow Blind – When there are many similar issues but they all blend together to obscure the real issue
- Always Play To Win – Do not get into a situation where you are simply “going through the motions”
- Seize the Moment – Act positively when the time is right – Don‘t hesitate or pontificate
- Fact Can Be Stranger Than Fiction – Sometimes something just happens and despite the fact that it seems impossible – it did happen
- Hear Both Sides Of A Story – or “there are always two sides to a story” – hear them both before forming an opinion or taking action
- Crucified – Being unjustly punished or for a belief or action
- My Gut Feeling – There are times when you can not give a reason – but something either does or doesn’t feel right
- Pee In The Same Pot – sometimes there are different people with seemingly different agendas but they all seem come together over a particular issue
List 14 Of Helpful Sayings
- Perception And Truth – There are times when someone really wants to believe something – even though it is not factually correct. They are able to manipulate the facts to convince themselves “Perception is reality to the one in the experience.”
- Trojan Horse – Using a benign unrelated entity (or similar) in order to “sneak” in a different agenda This expression traces its origins back to the Greeks and the Trojan War
- Sort The Wheat From The Chaff – there can be a lot of useless information interspersed with very useful information – It is important to sort the useful from the garbage
- Second Sight – Second Vision – A saying which recommends taking a second look – There are times when a “Second Sight” may give a “Second Vision” of a particular issue
- Any Port In A Storm – When there is a problem or issue you may go for any seemingly reasonable solution that you can find – regardless of it being the best solution because it needs to be done quickly and there are no other obvious solutions
- It’s Easy When You Know How – skilled people can make even the most difficult tasks look relatively easy because they know what they are doing and have done these tasks many times. However that doesn’t mean that it is not very difficult for the untrained person
- Don’t Become Complacent With Routine Tasks – It doesn’t matter how many times you have done a routine task – and you may say that you can do it standing on your head with your eyes closed – there can always be something different which can come out of Left Field. Always follow due process and procedure and do not cut corners
- Wild Horses Would Not Drag Me Away – A pretty straightforward meaning to this one
- Is The Glass Half Full Or Half Empty – Are you an optimist or a pessimist ?
- Having Someone “In Your Corner” or Having Someone “In Their Corner” – Having “not obvious” support from a third party.
List 15 Of Helpful Sayings
- The Gospel According To “saint (insert name)” – A humerus/sarcastic comment directed at someone who has made a profound – possible overbearing statement or similar
- Draconian Measures – Harsh measures
- Light At The End Of The Tunnel – The end is in sight
- Built On Sand – The entity does not have a solid foundation
- A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words – Pretty self explanatory and very true
- Like Water Off A Ducks Back – It may be praise or caustic comment or some other verbal comment – But the person it is aimed at simply ignores it next to sticks and stone
- A Road Well Traveled – A circumstance which is well understood by the person in question. They have been there many times before and successfully navigated it
- Many A True Word Is Spoken In Jest – pretty self explanatory
- Back Of The Envelope – A simple, brief written idea or concept – usually without a great deal of detailed data. Typically something was written on the back of an envelope because at the time – there was no other paper available – it could also be the back of a drink coaster – many innovative ideas are formulated during a few after work drinks with work colleagues
- A Spanner In The Works – As the name suggests – a foul up. A spanner was accidentally left in the machine and it caused the workings to foul up
List 16 Of Helpful Sayings
- The Standard You Walk Past Is The Standard You Accept – It is easy to walk past a problem which is not your responsibility and to justify the lack of action you may say – “Not my problem” – But if something is obviously wrong and you walk past it – you are accepting that as your standard. It may be something as basic as walking past a piece of litter on the pavement – when there is a garbage bin nearby. Or something much more serious.
- Bad Apple – It only takes one rotten apple to ruin the whole bin. Typically, in a team environment there may be a single negative player who can infect the whole team with negativity
- Don’t Shoot Yourself In The Foot – Be careful with your actions – and avoid doing anything which could cause self harm
- The Boot Is On The Other Foot – The circumstances have changed and your position is now reversed
- Don’t Look A Gift Horse In The Mouth – It might not be what you really want – But if it is a gift or similar and comes at no cost to you – then gratefully accept it The phrase, “don’t look a gift horse in the mouth” originates in St. Jerome’s commentary (400 AD) on Paul’s letter to the Ephesians. In Latin the proverb is “Noli equi dentes inspicere donati” (never inspect the teeth of a given horse).
- Hell For Leather – To tackle something with reckless abandon
- Stabbed In The Back – Taken out by someone you thought was on your side
- Hit By Friendly Fire – Accidentally attacked or taken out by someone who is “on your side” – it was not intended – but it happened
- At The Coalface – Where the “hands on” work is done i.e. actually digging out the coal or doing the “dirty work”
- Grass Roots – At the base or starting point
List 17 Of Helpful Sayings
- Birds Of A Feather Flock Together – Fairly self explanatory
- Ten Thousand Frenchmen Can’t Be Wrong – Is a variation of the 60 million Frenchmen can’t be wrong but with an opposite meaning – That is – If you have an opposing view to a majority of people – don’t be coerced into accepting their view – Ten thousand Frenchmen could be wrong and you could be right
- Cut To The Chase – Get to the point or the crux of the issue without the flowery ancillary description – link with article
- Practice Makes Perfect – Fairly self explanatory
Helpful Sayings: provide Top Tips To Get Better Results. This compilation does not cover all Helpful Sayings which are used. But hopefully will provide the spark.
More Helpful Sayings will be added over time – Please feel free to come back and review for inspiration
Not Only – But Also ……
When there is a need to take a deep breath and take a break
- Go to List Of Topics – Engineering Nostalgia for pages of memories from Engineering practice in the 1960’s/70’s/80’s – with a bit of armed forces and medieval trivia thrown in
- Regardless of your current status – always ask the question – Is there a Better Way and
visit the 3R web page for an overview of the 3R Philosophy Review – Refresh – Reset
- Whenever possible – always follow the KISS Principle
- Challenge yourself and your colleagues with an Engineering Quiz
- Check out Engineering Odd Bits for odd subject matter – including humor and comment
Engineer & Communicate – Engineering Trivia Quiz – Engineering Nostalgia – Engineering Odd Bits
Feb 14, 2022 | ENGINEER & COMMUNICATE, Uncategorized
Personal Trainer: Top Tips To Get Better Team Results
Is there a need for a Personal Trainer – One on One advice for personal improvement
The term Personal Trainer generally conjures up visions of sweaty bodies and workouts.
In the context of this post – the term Personal Trainer is used to describe someone who can train the mind and provide a guide to achieve outstanding results by focusing on the personal aspect of individuals as they relate to a team outcome.
There are times when it is just not happening – the skills, knowledge and talent are there. Every member of the team is outstanding, but something is just not right. “IT“ is just not working.
Maybe the answer is a Personal Trainer. Someone who can smooth off the rough edges, bring the skill sets together and refocus the individuals, so that they are all pulling together as a team in the same direction.
Or they may be able to take an unbiased overview and advise if they believe that key elements are missing from the team structure.
It happens –
The team are all very good people in their own right, but for various reasons may not be able to work together to bring out the best in each other. The analogy that a camel can be defined as a horse designed by a committee can equally be applied to a dysfunctional team.
Maybe there is a need for a Personal Trainer to align the skill sets.
Or to bring out that hidden X factor.
A good team has a mix of talents in its people. And each talent needs to complement the others. Depending on the team or project or specific circumstance there obviously needs to be a mix. There could be:
- The quiet introverted type who is happy to beaver away in the background
- The “look at me” extrovert
- The natural leader
- The person with technical skills
- The person with ideas
- The person who is the “glue” sticking everyone together
But if there is not enough BALANCE, or there are conflicts of personality or similar – the team will struggle to achieve its full potential
If the balance is wrong – the Manager/Team Leader/Person in Charge needs to take steps to get it right and it may be that a Personal Trainer could be the answer.
Not Only – But Also …….
When there is a need to take a deep breath and take a break
- Open List Of Pages – Engineering Nostalgia for pages of Old Engineer Memories from Engineering practice in the 1960’s/70’s/80’s – with a bit of armed forces and medieval trivia thrown in
- Regardless of your current status – always ask the question – Is there a Better Way and
visit the 3R web page for an overview of the 3R Philosophy Review – Refresh – Reset
- Whenever possible – always follow the KISS Principle
- Challenge yourself and your colleagues with an Engineering Quiz
- Check out Engineering Odd Bits for odd subject matter – including humor and comment
Engineer & Communicate – Engineering Trivia Quiz – Engineering Nostalgia – Engineering Odd Bits
Feb 12, 2022 | ENGINEER & COMMUNICATE, Uncategorized
Logical Actions – Illogical Results: Top Tips For A Better Result
It is very likely that most of us have been there at some time – Something is just not right. The Logical Actions are producing Illogical Results
We have checked – double checked and triple checked – but the results are exactly the same – and not what they should be.
It can be annoying – frustrating – dangerous and much more.
We have followed the Logical process BUT the results are Illogical
What do we do now ?????
Logical Action which produce Illogical Results are not black magic and surely they can always be explained.
There will be a reason why – However getting to that explanation is obviously not so simple and straightforward.
It may be that a decimal point is in the wrong place and regardless of how many times we check the calculation – out brain does not pick it up. Or it could be something similar.
I often think about the Mars Climate Orbiter project back in 1999. The Root Cause of the disaster was a mix up between imperial and metric units. We look at it now and say “how on Earth (or Mars) could that have happened” – but it did.
Engineering should be simple. A button is pressed – A lever is pulled, an electrical charge applied, a chemical reaction started, structural members erected. There is a known, direct result from a positive action. No magic – All logical and explainable with basic and simple (or maybe not so simple) mathematics.
So why does it become so difficult?
Albert Einstein
Albert Einstein is credited with this gem –
“Scientists investigate that which already is;
Engineers create that which has never been.”
And in that creation process there could be an awful lot of variables which need to be accounted for.
Logical Actions – Illogical Results – Why??? The Thinker by Auguste Rodin
We are well aware of the old saying – Doing the same things in exactly the same way and expecting a different result is the definition of insanity. And insanity is not what you need – but a rational, logical, reasonable approach – to solve the problems.
This web page is not attempting to teach heavy instruction – The aim is to follow the 3R Philosophy
Review – Refresh – Reset
and always follow the KISS Principle
- Take a step back from the “Coal Face” and try to take a Birds Eye overview.
Take “Time Out”
- There are many problem solving techniques which can be used – and everyone has a favourite. For example – it may be – Six Sigma – Waterfall – 5 Why – Deep Dive etc
- Can the issue/problem be taken back to “the team” for reassessment or review
- Will a completely unconnected colleague see something which is being missed or look at things from a completely different perspective and see an answer
Remember – If it was easy – anyone could do it and they would not need you
Not Only – But Also …..
When there is a need to take a deep breath and take a break
- Looking for “A Better Way” – Go to – Engineering the 3R Way for an overview of the 3R Philosophy Review – Refresh – Reset and link to the full list of topics
- Then Take A Break – With the List Of Pages – Engineering Nostalgia for pages of Old Engineer Memories from Engineering practice in the 1960’s/70’s/80’s – with a bit of armed forces and medieval trivia thrown in
- Or check out Engineering Odd Bits for odd subject matter – including humor and comment
- Challenge yourself and your colleagues with an Engineering Quiz
Engineer & Communicate – Engineering Trivia Quiz – Engineering Nostalgia – Engineering Odd Bits
Jan 21, 2022 | ENGINEER & COMMUNICATE, Uncategorized
Identify and manage each step with a Work Breakdown Structure
Work Breakdown Structure: Top Tips To Get Better Results
As with most tools which are used in Engineering and Project Management, there are times when it should be regarded as absolutely essential and there are other times when it just isn’t worth the effort. This page isn’t about teaching Work Breakdown Structure (WBS). Its about knowing when and why it should be used. Work Breakdown Structure: Top Tips To Get Better Results
As the saying goes, “Familiarity Breeds Contempt”.
I had been through a long period of time dealing with very competent engineering contractors. I didn’t need to get into a great deal of detail. I told them what I wanted, when I wanted it and it happened. Too Easy
A few years ago I was working as a Project Manager in a food company which ran 24/6. I was working on a contract basis and they directed that I use a particular contractor (who was new to me) in order to modify some process conveyors in 2 stages. There was a window of opportunity over a long weekend for the first stage.
The contractor came in to look at the work beforehand and was very convincing, I had no reason to think that they would not do an excellent job.
Without going into detail, it was an absolute disaster and whilst we managed to get a result, it was more by good luck plus a lot of very hard, stressful work.
It was a wake up call for me
I made sure that the second stage was fully covered by a very comprehensive Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)
Again, the work needed to be done during a planned outage, over a weekend
- This time it was planned to the nth degree
Every nut and bolt was captured
Who was doing what and estimated timelines for the work
There was contingency for additional resource in the event that the work was falling behind
When I first advised the contractor that I needed a comprehensive WBS I met severe resistance
This was a foreign concept – they had never experienced this before
To start with it was very painful, I worked hand in hand with them during the initial part of the process highlighting specifically the level of detail required
Once the initial resistance was broken down they could appreciate the benefits
By asking the questions such as Who will do it ?, How will it be done ? , Walk me through the work, most of the issues where identified and solved before the work actually started
The second stage was a breath of fresh air by comparison with the first stage and was very successful
The contractors were very pleased to take on board the learning’s and I know that they were using it as a sales tool by actively promoting the WBS process to their customers
My learning’s were – to not get complacent and to always ask the question – Does this project need a WBS ? and if it does – to what level of detail
Not every project needs a WBS – It’s a value judgement which comes with experience.
If in doubt – ask the question
Still not sure ? – Just Do It
Not Only – But Also ……
When there is a need to take a deep breath and take a break
- Open List Of Pages – Engineering Nostalgia for pages of Old Engineer Memories from Engineering practice in the 1960’s/70’s/80’s – with a bit of armed forces and medieval trivia thrown in
- Regardless of your current status – always ask the question – Is there a Better Way and
visit the 3R web page for an overview of the 3R Philosophy Review – Refresh – Reset
- Whenever possible – always follow the KISS Principle
- Challenge yourself and your colleagues with an Engineering Quiz
- check out Engineering Odd Bits for odd subject matter – including humor and comment
Engineer & Communicate – Engineering Trivia Quiz – Engineering Nostalgia – Engineering Odd Bits