Engineering Trivia Quiz – No.978

The Coffee Break Engineering Trivia Quiz – No.978 is a challenging selection of General Engineering questions and answers -
sometimes you just don’t know what you don’t know, but you’re sure that you did know or that you should know and when you see the answers you know that once upon a time you probably did know !

Challenge your colleagues – can they answer more than you ?

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Looking For A Better Way

Looking For A Better Way

Looking for “A Better Way”

  • Go to – Engineering the 3R Way for an overview of the 3R Philosophy and link to the full list of topics

Then Take A Break

  • With the List Of Pages – Engineering Nostalgia for pages of Old Engineer Memories from Engineering practice in the 1960’s/70’s/80’s – with a bit of armed forces and medieval trivia thrown in
  • Or check out Engineering Odd Bits for odd subject matter – including humor and comment



The newton metre is a unit of torque in the SI system. One newton metre is equal to the torque resulting from a force of one newton applied perpendicularly to a moment arm which is one metre long – True or False

Vibration is the name given to mechanical oscillations about an equilibrium point – True or False

5 liters equals how many cubic inches...

The Chemical symbol; for Arsenic is Ag - True or False

Ag is the symbol for Silver – As is the symbol for Arsenic

In Electrical Engineering what is the general purpose instrument which measures voltage, current and resistance …

A Potentiometer is a three-terminal resistor with a sliding contact that forms an adjustable voltage divider, current divider or other device – True or False

What chemical has the formula Si02 …

Silica – (Silicon Dioxide)

When measuring or classifying wire, what name is given to the diameter or cross sectional area of the wire …

In mathematics and computer science - Truncation is the term for showing all of the digits to the right of the decimal point in a calculation - True or False

Truncation is the term for limiting the number of digits to the right of the decimal point, by discarding the least significant ones

Galvanic Corrosion is the name used to describe the chemical reaction which degrades metals when two similar metals are placed in contact with each other in the presence of an electrolyte - True or False

Galvanic Corrosion occurs when two DISSIMILAR metals are placed in contact with each other in the presence of an electrolyte