Bring people together with The Power Of Positive Listening
The Power Of Positive Listening Gets Better Results
The Power Of Positive Listening Gets Better Results. It may be an Engineering or IT Project – or it may be routine work tasks. However, there are times when it pays to adopt “The Power of Positive Listening” philosophy. It may not make you “the life and soul of the party”, but it could have a significant impact on the work at hand. Learn to listen, understand and “read between the lines” It is very easy to have preformed views and to want to express those views in a force able manner or to get into a shouting match, without really understanding the thrust of the conversation or dialogue. Learn to take a step back – listen – absorb and understand what is being said by others.
- Understand WHY you are in the conversation or the group or the meeting
- Be attentive – do not sit idly gazing at your phone – if you don’t want to be there – leave
- Do not blatantly, continuously yawn – It happens to us all – cover your mouth – turn away – do whatever it takes to disguise that yawn
- In simple terms – are you there to gain knowledge or to impart knowledge
- Some people are naturally outgoing and continually want to be the center of attention
- Some people are very reserved and reluctant to speak or offer an opinion
- Sometimes a group may be dominated by several “outgoing” people who will jostle for ascendancy. And more likely than not – valuable information will be lost in the verbal melee
- Sometimes a group will be dominated by reserved people and interaction can be very limited. – And it is very likely that important information may not be shared
- Generally there is a mix of both types of people
- Learn to read the mood of the group/meeting and respond accordingly
- If you are normally a quite reserved person – you may need to “step up” if a discussion is “dying” and needs a leader
- If you are normally an “outgoing” person in a group of “outgoing” people – and all are talking over each other – you may need to “step back”
- Learn to listen to others – you may have a very strong urge to interrupt – but learn to “bite your tongue”
- Make a great effort to understand what is being said – the words come out – BUT what is the meaning
- You may strongly disagree with something being said – BUT learn to “bite your tongue” and think it through – “is this a battle I can win today? Or is it better to let it go through to the keeper and pick a time and place of my choosing”
- Do not “cut off” someone mid sentence by talking over them – let them finish what they are saying.
- If you need to make a point or question a statement – learn to make a mental note to ask/clarify when the speaker has finished the sentence – or when they “draw breath”
- Always be polite – e.g. “excuse me but could I just clarify a point” “I apologize for the interruption but just wanted to clarify ….” etc
- It is not always convenient to have a note pad and pencil handy – but they are very useful to make notes whilst someone is speaking and you can let them finish what they are saying and have a reference to draw on with a later question or query. They may in fact not remember what they have said – But you have captured it for reference
Not Only – But Also …..

When there is a need to take a deep breath and take a break
- Open List Of Pages – Engineering Nostalgia for pages of Old Engineer Memories from Engineering practice in the 1960’s/70’s/80’s – with a bit of armed forces and medieval trivia thrown in
- Regardless of your current status – always ask the question – Is there a Better Way and visit the 3R web page for an overview of the 3R Philosophy Review – Refresh – Reset
- Whenever possible – always follow the KISS Principle
- Challenge yourself and your colleagues with an Engineering Quiz
- Check out Engineering Odd Bits for odd subject matter – including humor and comment

Engineer & Communicate – Engineering Trivia Quiz – Engineering Nostalgia – Engineering Odd Bits