The Devil’s Advocate In Engineering: Tips For Better Results

The Devils Advocate needs to ask the difficult questions in an unbiased and balanced way in order to find any hidden problems
Regardless of it being a very complex project, a fairly simple/basic job or simply routine management tasks, one of the key elements to success is to apply The Devil’s Advocate In Engineering methodology.
Obviously the complexity of the project or task dictates the level of detail. However the basic principles and fundamentals are always the same.
In simple terms, The Devil’s Advocate is a skilled person or group of people, who can take a critical but balanced approach to the subject in question.
For example, this could be a Management Decision, Engineering Project or Engineering Design. The Devil’s Advocate needs to dissect each aspect, ask probing questions and ensure that the proposal is sound and stands up to scrutiny – with no defects or flaws.
Typically – experienced Managers and Engineers will be their own version of The Devil’s Advocate for routine tasks. However for larger and more involved projects, it becomes very valuable to use an independent entity who has no personal input to the project in question. But have the knowledge

The Devil’s Advocate In Engineering needs to peel back the Layers – Get under the skin and ask the difficult questions without getting tears in the eye
and skill to peel back the layers, in order to understand the proposal. And then to ask the relevant questions in a calm and measured fashion.
For large projects, companies may also have standardized, detailed methodology, for example the HAZOP process.
Not Only – But Also……

When there is a need to take a deep breath and take a break
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