Personal Trainer: Top Tips To Get Better Team Results

Is there a need for a Personal Trainer – One on One advice for personal improvement
The term Personal Trainer generally conjures up visions of sweaty bodies and workouts.
In the context of this post – the term Personal Trainer is used to describe someone who can train the mind and provide a guide to achieve outstanding results by focusing on the personal aspect of individuals as they relate to a team outcome.
There are times when it is just not happening – the skills, knowledge and talent are there. Every member of the team is outstanding, but something is just not right. “IT“ is just not working.
Maybe the answer is a Personal Trainer. Someone who can smooth off the rough edges, bring the skill sets together and refocus the individuals, so that they are all pulling together as a team in the same direction.
Or they may be able to take an unbiased overview and advise if they believe that key elements are missing from the team structure.
It happens –
The team are all very good people in their own right, but for various reasons may not be able to work together to bring out the best in each other. The analogy that a camel can be defined as a horse designed by a committee can equally be applied to a dysfunctional team.
Maybe there is a need for a Personal Trainer to align the skill sets.
Or to bring out that hidden X factor.
A good team has a mix of talents in its people. And each talent needs to complement the others. Depending on the team or project or specific circumstance there obviously needs to be a mix. There could be:
- The quiet introverted type who is happy to beaver away in the background
- The “look at me” extrovert
- The natural leader
- The person with technical skills
- The person with ideas
- The person who is the “glue” sticking everyone together
But if there is not enough BALANCE, or there are conflicts of personality or similar – the team will struggle to achieve its full potential
If the balance is wrong – the Manager/Team Leader/Person in Charge needs to take steps to get it right and it may be that a Personal Trainer could be the answer.
Not Only – But Also …….

When there is a need to take a deep breath and take a break
- Open List Of Pages – Engineering Nostalgia for pages of Old Engineer Memories from Engineering practice in the 1960’s/70’s/80’s – with a bit of armed forces and medieval trivia thrown in
- Regardless of your current status – always ask the question – Is there a Better Way and
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- Challenge yourself and your colleagues with an Engineering Quiz
- Check out Engineering Odd Bits for odd subject matter – including humor and comment

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