Keep A Paper Trail: Top Tips For Better Results
Deliberate or accidental misunderstandings can be a result of relying on verbal communication, Therefore it is vital to always – Keep A Paper Trail – i.e. to keep accurate records. There may be a deliberate intention to “muddy the waters” or there may have been an “off the cuff” comment which was taken as a firm commitment or a similar statement uttered in the heat of the moment to placate an irate individual or to win a purchase order.
In some instances it may be a case of companies or individuals not having disciplined procedures in place. But if “the sediment hits the fan” ….. The bottom line is ………
If its not Documented – It didn’t Happen
It is very easy for people to verbally say or agree to many things – but when the time comes to honor that verbal dialogue, there can be a chasm between what you “thought” that you heard or agreed to, and what others “ maintain” that they actually said or intended to say.
Key Points

Life and business can be a maze – Many Things Could Happen – Keep A Paper Trail
- Follow company protocols – Keep a Record – Keep a Paper Trail
- If there are gaps in company protocols – Keep your own Records/Paper Trail
- CYA (Cover Your Anatomy)
- Keep a record – emails – meeting minutes, hand written notes, dates, conversations etc – all communication, agreements and decisions which could come back and bite you
- It sounds like like basic stuff – but enthusiasm, fear and various other emotions can significantly impact decisions and recollections of verbal conversations – particularly if there are financial implications – Get It In Writing and signed off if possible
- If the sediment hits the fan – a Paper Trail will verify what was actually said/agreed – without any wriggle room
- It goes without saying that the amount of detail is relative to the subject matter – to ensure that there can be no misunderstanding of what was said/agreed
- You hope that you will never need it – However, Murphy’s Law tells us that if we have it – it is unlikely to ever be needed – But if we don’t have it …………. We could be in trouble !!!
Going Forwards ..
Cross reference with Clear Message
This web page is not trying to teach complicated methodologies or heavy instruction. The aim is for quick, simple, basic and effective Tips and Tricks to get you back on track and to keep you there by following the 3R’ Philosophy
Review – Refresh – Reset
and follow the KISS Principle
Take A Break ……

When there is a need to take a deep breath and take a break
- Open List Of Pages – Engineering Nostalgia for pages of Old Engineer Memories from Engineering practice in the 1960’s/70’s/80’s – with a bit of armed forces and medieval trivia thrown in
- Challenge yourself and your colleagues with an Engineering Quiz
- Check out Engineering Odd Bits for odd subject matter – including humor and comment

Engineer & Communicate – Engineering Trivia Quiz – Engineering Nostalgia – Engineering Odd Bits