Review “Engineering the 3R Way” & Focus On Success
Engineering The 3R Way provides the basis for success, as we constantly strive for Engineering Excellence. You may be an Engineer or from another discipline, however the basic principles for success in your chosen field are the same.
You should always be asking the question – Is There A Better Way? And think 3R.
Review – Refresh – Reset
“Scientists investigate that which already is. Engineers create that which has never been”…..according to a certain Mr Albert Einstein
At the end of the day – we are all human. Sometimes we ….well ….I was going to say “get it wrong” . But let’s be more diplomatic and say that sometimes “we don’t get it as right as we would like it to be”.
There are many, many training courses and systems across all areas of Engineering and Business Management which are designed to help us be successful at what we do. And the people who work in this field are constantly re designing the wheel, in order to squeeze more cash out of us.
And most of the systems and courses are very good.
Objective Comment
I do not pretend to be an expert – but over the past 50 + years I have seen and been involved in quite a few areas across Engineering, Maintenance, Project Engineering, Project Management, Design and Business in general.
We are all different and what works for one person may not work for the next person.
Also, its easy to forget or overlook some basic Engineering principles and it can always be a very good idea to Review and Refresh on a regular basis which may then lead to a Reset.
So whether you are an old timer like me, or fresh out of university or tertiary education or just wanting to get some better ideas– it is always good to remember the 3 R’s – which are to ….

Always ask the question – Is There A Better Way? – Then apply Engineering The 3R Way Philosophy : Review – Refresh – Reset
I’m not going to try and teach heavy theory – My advice is to try and follow the KISS principle whenever possible– which of course stands for – Keep It Simple Stupid.
A Final Thought
I would think that the ancient Engineers such as the Romans, Aztecs, Incas etc all went through exactly the same issues and thought trains when they where designing and building.
So if you just want to Double Check that there isn’t “A Better Way” – or have hit a “Brick Wall” for ideas – Scroll through the list of topics and Review – Refresh – Reset.
This site is created to further the Engineering process and strive for Engineering Excellence and a Better Way with 3R Philosophy.
For a full list of Topics – Go to:-
List Of Topics – Engineer & Communicate
Not Only – But Also…..

When there is a need to take a deep breath and take a break
- Open List Of Topics – Engineering Nostalgia for pages of Old Engineer Memories from Engineering practice in the 1960’s/70’s/80’s – with a bit of armed forces and medieval trivia thrown in.
- Whenever possible – always follow the KISS Principle
- Challenge yourself and your colleagues with an Engineering Quiz
- Check out Engineering Odd Bits for odd subject matter – including humor and comment.

Engineer & Communicate – Engineering Trivia Quiz – Engineering Nostalgia – Engineering Odd Bits