Jokes No.101

Jokes No.101

Jokes No.101

Jokes No.101 is a Work In Progress (WIP) and I apologize for the lack of funny stuff

But whist your here – have a look anyway

Question: Is there humor in Engineering
Answer: Errr No

An Engineer walks into a bar
Ouch! – it was an iron bar

Health & Safety ?

Glass half full

Admit it


Not Only – But Also…..

Not Only - But Also image. When there is a need to Take a break and ask the question - Is there a Better Way? Or to clear your head and relax for a few minutes

When there is a need to take a deep breath and take a break

  • Looking for “A Better Way” – Go to – Engineering the 3R Way for an overview of the 3R Philosophy                           Review – Refresh – Reset      and link to the full list of topics
  • Then Take A Break – With the List Of Pages – Engineering Nostalgia for pages of Old Engineer Memories from Engineering practice in the 1960’s/70’s/80’s – with a bit of armed forces and medieval trivia thrown in
  • Or check out Engineering Odd Bits for more odd subject matter – including humor and comment
  • Challenge yourself and your colleagues with an Engineering Quiz


Engineering Trivia Quiz – No.977: Can You Get Better Results

Engineering Trivia Quiz – No.977: Can You Get Better Results

Engineering Trivia Quiz – No.977: Can You Get Better Results

The Coffee Break Engineering Trivia Quiz – No.977: Can You Get Better Results is a challenging selection of General Engineering Trivia questions and answers -
sometimes you just don’t know what you don’t know, but you’re sure that you did know or that you should know and when you see the answers you know that once upon a time you probably did know !

Challenge your colleagues – can they answer more than you ?

Next Quiz – No.978              For a full list of all quizzes go to –       List Of Engineering Quizzes

Looking For A Better Way

Looking For A Better Way

Looking For “A Better Way”

  • Go to – Engineering the 3R Way for an overview of the 3R Philosophy and link to the full list of topics

Then Take A Break



In Engineering, what name is given to the twisting of an object due to an applied rotary force perpendicular to the axis …

What name is given to the device that blends air and fuel for an internal combustion engine …

In statistics, Standard Deviation is the name is given to a widely used measurement of variability or diversity which shows how much variation there is from an average value – True or False

Dry Ice is the solid form of Carbon Monoxide - True or False

Dry Ice is the solid form of Carbon Dioxide

A Rheostat is a two-terminal variable resistor – True or False

A Parapet is wall like barrier at the edge of a roof , terrace , balcony or other structure , primarily used to prevent the spread of fire but was originally designed to defend buildings from military attack – True or False

Honing is the process of working a metal's surface to improve its material properties, usually by mechanical means, such as hammer blows or similar - True or False

Honing is an abrasive machining process that produces a precision surface  on a metal workpiece by scrubbing an abrasive  stone against it along a controlled path

Obsidian is the naturally occurring volcanic glass which is formed as an extrusive igneous rock when felsic lava is extruded from a volcano and cools rapidly with minimum crystal growth – True or False

In production engineering terminology CMMS stands for Combined Maintenance Management Standard - True or False

CMMS stands for Computerized Maintenance Management System

American pop singer Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta is better known by which name ...