How To Create & Drive “Change” For Better Results
How To Create & Drive “Change” For Better Results
Change and How to Engineer Change is a constant challenge for Engineers, IT Professionals and Managers. This is not a recent phenomena. The prophetic statement that “Change is the only constant in life” is attributed to Heraclitus, the ancient Greek philosopher who was born in the 6th century BC.
BUT on the other hand – many people will resist change – “If it ain’t broke – don’t fix it” is generally attributed to T.Bert Lance (one of ex president Jimmy Carters guys)
And is pretty widely used to justify NOT changing many things.
However – in general there is a need for Constant Change in order to improve. That model T Ford was pretty good when it rolled off the production line all those years ago – but maybe it would struggle in today’s marketplace.
It’s a common issue – Progressive Engineers, Managers and Employees will often see an obvious need for CHANGE in their work environment, but come up against a culture of “ No Change”
“If it ain’t broke – don’t fix it – it works fine”
This culture can be found in most environments and getting change becomes a difficult if not impossible task
On the other hand how hard can it be. – It’s patently obvious that certain “things” need to change.
Accept that in general – people don’t like change
- They have their Comfort zones
- Their Psychological safety nets
- They constantly use the expression – If it ain’t broke – don’t fix it – to justify no change
- They have Fear of the unknown
Work out a strategy
Remember that the many small incremental changes which can be made, will lead to that bigger overall change. And change for the better should never stop.
Some ideas to get the ball rolling
- Ask yourself – What do you need to do – to win the hearts and minds of opponents
- Is it resistance because of fear
- How do you take that fear of the unknown and make it known
- Listen to their concerns
- If there are genuine concerns list them and address each one
- Whether or not they are genuine concerns isn’t necessarily the issue, because the proponent believes that they are – and they are throwing up barriers which need to be understood and negated
- Is it a technology issue – are they frightened of technology
- Maybe there needs to be additional training and focus in this area
- Are they protecting their jobs, status – get inside their heads
- Be polite and not aggressive –
- Focus on the benefits – explain why and how the change will be better for the company – and for them personally
- And if all else fails – use the suggestion – Lets just try it – if it doesn’t work we can always go back to the old way
- Of course once they experience the benefits of the change, there is no way they would want to go back to the old way
As an aside
I once had a guy say to me – “listen buddy – I’ve been doing this for 20 years and this is how its done”
I said to him – “that may very well be the case – BUT you have been doing it wrong for 20 years”
Not Only – But Also
- Open List Of Pages – Engineering Nostalgia for pages of Old Engineer Memories from Engineering practice in the 1960’s/70’s/80’s – with a bit of armed forces and medieval trivia thrown in
- Regardless of your current status – always ask the question – Is there a Better Way and
visit the 3R web page for an overview of the 3R Philosophy Review – Refresh – Reset - Whenever possible – always follow the KISS Principle
- Challenge yourself and your colleagues with an Engineering Quiz
- Check out Engineering Odd Bits for odd subject matter – including humor and comment