The Engineers Guide: Top Tips For Better Results

The Engineers Guide: Top Tips For Better Results


The Engineers Guide: Top Tips For Better Results


The Engineers Guide: Top Tips For Better Results provides a simple and concise overview of the ENGCOM  web site content. The primary thrust is Engineering – however, the process, methodology and general principles can be applied across all disciplines.
Inevitably there comes a time when most people need a short break in order to “recharge the batteries” or to seek inspiration to find A Better Way. A review of the pages shown below – followed by a trigger from the relevant topic is sure to provide that much needed boost.

Then challenge yourself and colleagues with the Engineering Quizzes.


The Engineers Guide: Top Tips For Better Results


Overview of the Engineers Guide To A Better Way

  • The ENGCOM web site is divided into 4 main sections as shown below.
  • The basic principles apply across all disciplines
  • The primary aim is “Short & Simple” and to follow the KISS Principle
  • The intention is to ignite a remembrance of previous knowledge or to generate a desire to learn a new area.


1 – Engineer & Communicate – The Engineers Guide

Cartoon Engineer and Manager engaged in verbal communication

It is vitally important that there is communication between all parties

Engineer & Communicate links to Engineering The 3R Way together with List Of Topics – Engineer & Communicate. The Engineers Guide provide an overview of important reference data for Process, Management Procedures, Methodologies and “A Better Way”. – There is also a list of essential “Helpful Sayings” which will trigger, motivate and enforce a positive mind set.

The primary aim of Engineer and Communicate is for a “Short & Simple” Engineers Guide which will generally follow the KISS principle. The purpose is to ignite a remembrance of previous knowledge and will generate a desire to learn new knowledge.

Over the years – Engineering or Management Principles or Helpful Sayings can fade from memory. Or they might not have been experienced in the first place and it can be wise to pull back from the “coal face” on a regular basis to take a few minutes to review the data on the ENGCOM Engineer & Communicate web site – in order to – Review and Refresh on a regular basis – which may then lead to a Reset.
And this is the fundamental principle of the Engineers Guide and 3R Philosophy i.e.       Review – Refresh – Reset

Cartoon group sat around a table enjoying an ENGCOM Engineering Quiz

Take an Engineering quiz yourself, challenge your colleagues or take the quiz in a group setting


2 – Engineering Quiz

The Full Listing Of ENGCOM Engineering Quizzes provides a series of challenging miscellaneous Engineering questions with answers. Challenge yourself – Challenge your colleagues – Or tackle a quiz as a group.




Cartoon of Engineer working at a drawing board

Way back in the dim distant past – before CAD – Engineering design was created on the drawing board

3 – Engineering Nostalgia – The Engineers Guide

Engineering Nostalgia looks back a few years to rekindle memories of Engineering in the 1960’s/70’s/80’s

It is sure to ignite inquisitive questions from younger Engineers

Plus there is also some armed forces and medieval trivia.


Puzzled cartoon Engineer looking at the list of Engineering Odd Bits

They certainly are Odd Bits of Engineering Trivia

4 – Engineering Odd Bits – The Engineers Guide

Engineering Odd Bits – As it’s name suggests – is Odd Bits of Engineering  trivia.

This section includes humor such as the post – Sneaky Secrets to Becoming a Successful Engineer which is modeled on the George Costanza (of Seinfeld fame) methodology. There is also “tongue in cheek” motivation such as Motivational Fun No.101 which is an inverted look at some motivational sayings which we use. Plus there is much more.


Engcom | Engineering Trivia, News, Articles & Humour

Engineer & Communicate – Engineering Trivia Quiz – Engineering Nostalgia – Engineering Odd Bits


1 – Engineer & Communicate – Engineers Guide

2 – Engineering Quiz

A – Engineering Quizzes Sub List A – Numbers 0977 to 1026

B – Engineering Quizzes Sub List B – Numbers 1027 to 1076

C – Engineering Quizzes Sub List C – Numbers 1077 to 1126

D – Engineering Quizzes Sub List D – Numbers 1127 to 1155

plus Military Trivia Quiz 101

3 – Engineering Nostalgia

A – Old Engineering Memories

B – Interesting Engineering Memories

4 – Engineering Odd Bits